Our ESG Goals and Progress

Our ESG mission is to enable a better, safer, more secure and more sustainable world through innovation. That mission has given rise to a series of goals that inform our efforts and enable us to gauge our performance and celebrate our accomplishments.

Goals Progress in 2023
Innovation Design and manufacture technology that positively impacts the planet and society We conducted a thorough review of the entire portfolio, in order to classify and assess how our products contribute to sustainability. As part of that process, we identified ways to design and manufacture technology so it has a positive impact on the planet and society.
Develop higher-performing, more energy-efficient products We strive to increase the energy efficiency of our products. With each new generation, we aim for higher performance in a smaller footprint, with the goal of saving on raw materials and greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions.
Environment Carbon neutral by 2035 We decreased our absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 24% compared to our baseline year of 2021.
Reduce carbon emissions by 35% in 2027 (2021 baseline) We decreased our absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 24% compared to our baseline year of 2021.
50% renewable electricity by 2027 We used 39% renewable electricity, an increase of 4 percentage points compared to 2022, and an increase of 22 percentage points compared to 2014.
60% of wastewater recycled by 2027 We recycled 51% of wastewater, an increase of 2 percentage points compared to 2022, and an increase of 15 percentage points compared to 2014.
90% of waste recycled by 2027 We recycled 86% of waste, an increase of 3 percentage points compared to 2022, and an increase of 13 percentage points compared to 2014.
Social 25% women in R&D by 2025 There are 20% women in R&D, an increase of 1 percentage points compared to 2022.
50% underrepresented minorities in our US workforce There are 52% underrepresented minorities in our US workforce, an increase of 1% percentage points compared to 2022.
Zero tolerance of forced labor and human-rights abuses We increased the number of supply-chain due-diligence audits, and we reviewed and updated the NXP Human Rights Due Diligence Management System to reflect recent changes in the regulatory landscape for human rights and prepare NXP for further changes in this area.
Zero workplace injuries We maintained a low Total Case Incident Rate (TCIR) of 0.10, and remain well below semiconductor-industry averages.
Governance Work with our supply-chain partners to reduce their environmental footprint We surveyed our top-tier suppliers, to gauge their environmental footprints, and included their performance in our supplier rating to derive action plans.
Integrate ESG into our business so we can foster ownership and accountability We continued to drive the company wide ESG Program involving all functions and with clear roles and responsibilities, embedding sustainability in all the relevant areas of our business.

Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality

Our goal to be carbon neutral by 2035 presents multiple layers of complexity, given that we use renewable and non-renewable electricity, fossil fuels, PFCs and HTFs. The picture becomes even more complex when we consider increases in semiconductor production which, in turn, increase our GHG emissions. In 2022, we committed to setting Science Based Targets (SBTs). We compiled the required data and defined the targets in 2023, and will begin the validation process with Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in 2024.